What is the full form of FSSAI?

FSSAI: Food safety and standards Authority of India.

FSSAI is stand for food safety and standard act in 2006 which is conduct by various acts and orders that have hitherto handled food related issues and in verious Ministries and departement.Generally
FSSAI was stand for laying down science based on food and regulate and their manufacturing and strong distributation,sale and import to ensure avaibility and safe food for human consumption.
And it was various Acts like prevention of food and Adulteration Act, 1954 , Fruit product in order, 1995, Meet products,and vegetable oil products in order to 1967,etc are replaced form 5th august 2011 after commentment by FSS act.

Eligibility License for  FSSAI 

  • To attain self sufficiency in postgraduate in medical education.
  • Restaurants and Hotels
  • Meat processing Units and Slaughtering Units
  • Proprietary Foods
  • Food Processing Units inclusive of corresponding retailers and repackers
  • Vegetable  Oil  Processing Units as well as Production Units
  • Dairy Units inclusive of Milk Chilling units

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