What is the full form of UPS,And what does stand for UPS?

Full form of UPS
UPS-Uninterruptible Power Supply.
About UPS- UPS is a source of the power supply system that's having an inbuilt battery and that battery is used to supply power in the absence of primary source or when supply is cut off.

Uses of UPS

1.An Uninterruptible Power Supply is used to protect critical loads from mains supply problems, including spikes, voltage dips, fluctuations and complete power failures using a dedicated battery.

2.A UPS system can also be used to 'bridge the gap' whilst a standby generator is started and synchronized.

3.UPS helps to protect the hardware against damage from unexpected power failures.

4.UPS devices provide power backup to your system, ensuring that there is no interruption between your computer system and the main power supply.

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